Hawzah News Agency – Imam Zayn al-Abidin peace be upon him says:
المُنافِقُ يَنهى ولا يَنتَهي، ويأمُرُ بما لا يأتي، إذا قامَ في الصَّلاةِ اعتَرَضَ، وإذا رَكَعَ رَبَضَ، وإذا سَجَدَ نَقَرَ، وإذا جَلَسَ شَغَرَ، يُمسي وهَمُّهُ الطَّعامُ وهُو مُفطِرٌ، ويُصبِحُ وهَمُّهُ النَّومُ ولَم يَسهَرْ، إن حَدَّثَكَ كَذبَكَ، وإن وَعَدَكَ أخلَفَكَ، وإنِ ائتَمَنتَهُ خانَكَ، وإن خالَفتَهُ اغتابَكَ.
'A hypocrite prohibits [wrongdoing] but does not refrain from it himself, and he enjoins that which he does not do himself. When he prays he complains, when he bows (ruku) he slumps, when he prostrates (sujud) he pecks [prostrating so fast], when he sits he spreads himself out, when he is going to bed his only concern is food even though he is full, and when he wakes up in the morning, his only concern is sleep even though he did not stay up during the night. When he speaks to you he lies, when he makes a promise he does not fulfil it, if you entrust him with anything he betrays it, and if you disagree with him he backbites you.'
Source: Amali al-Saduq, p. 399, no. 12
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