Friday 10 June 2022 - 11:34
WFPIST a suitable platform for Interfaith Dialogue

The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought is a suitable platform for creating empathy and unity among different religions in Iran; scholars have considered the proximity of religions and have made great efforts to promote such unity among religions.

Hawzah News Agency- Mohsen Meschi, the Vice President of The World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought attended a conference organized by the Women's Affairs of the World Forum in Qom on Thursday, June 9.

During the conference he stated that if it were not for the proximity of religions, what we see today in some neighboring countries would have happened in Iran; He said, "Today, the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought serves as a great defense mechanism against Islam adversaries."

The Iranian Vice President of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought considered the Forum as a suitable platform for creating empathy and boosting unity of different religions and sects in Iran and said, “In the past, the issue of proximity of religions and the unity of the Islamic Community was considered by scholars and they had made great efforts to promote such unity.”

He went on to say, the turning point of this approximation should be sought in Egypt. One of the important achievements of WFPIST in Egypt was that many of the legal and governmental decrees of this country were changed and many wars were prevented due to such measures.

Mohsen Meschi the Vice President of the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought further noted, "Egypt has been an important country in terms of interfaith talk and the issue of proximity among religions, because Egypt is one of the most influential countries in the Islamic world and holds a special position among Sunni scholars."

"Because of the importance of the issue, Britain, the United States and Israel have always sought to create discord among Muslims, and as history has shown, unfortunately, these efforts have paid off," he said.

Asserting that Holy Qur'an always emphasizes the preservation of the unity among Muslims, Meschi said, "The unity is considered a divine blessing in the moral discourse of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is highlighted by the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) as well."

At the end of his remarks regarding the issue of Islamic Unity Meschi concluded, "Because of the importance of approximation among Islamic sects, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei has also emphasized the issue of establishing the World Forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of Thought, which was inaugurated 30 years ago."

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