Saturday 28 May 2022 - 19:07
Hijab Stylist Brand at Chicago Modest Fashion and Arts Gala Weekend

The show which will kickoff from June 30th to July 03rd, 2022, Consisting of 3 days of live catwalk presentations, amazing events, opportunity to witness international fashion icons as well.

Hawzah News Agency- Chicago Modest Fashion and Arts Gala Weekend will be a spectacular one-of-a-kind modest fashion show which will kickoff soon, June 30th to July 03rd, 2022. Consisting of 3 days of live catwalk presentations, amazing events, opportunity to witness international fashion icons as well.

The renowned Hijab Designer and Stylist Princess Jehanne born to Philippines is the first to establish a hijab stylist brand in the country, she will be debuting as the first international appearance of the brand at Chicago Modest Fashion and Arts Gala Weekend. An exciting art auction will be held of Azire Muhammad, a New Orleans situated visual young artist, the attendees will get the chance to witness performances of a few mind-blowing artists as well at the show.

Everyone who are visiting or living in USA and Canada can book their seats for the fashion weekend show, whereas they have arranged a livestream for those who will not be able to attend to watch the event from comforts of their home.


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