Saturday 5 February 2022 - 19:26
Investigation launched in France into mural depicting woman wearing hijab

Mural, drawn 8 months ago, is subject of probe for 'disputing the existence of crimes against humanity'.

Hawzah News Agency –An investigation was launched in France into a mural that depicts a woman wearing a hijab along with the Magen David, or the Star of David.

Representative Council of the Jewish institutions of France (CRIF) filed a complaint with the Grenoble Prosecutor’s Office, according to media reports.

The office launched an investigation into the painting, that was drawn eight months ago, for "disputing the existence of crimes against humanity."

Deputy Mayor of Grenoble Lucille Lheureux, responsible for cultural affairs, said the municipality was not informed about the drawing of the mural.

She added that she did not think, however, that the limits of freedom of expression were exceeded.

Street artist Goin, the mural’s painter, said his work reflects the pain of Muslims and Jews and it is a message to those who see a person as a threat because of their origin or religion.

Goin claimed that those who criticized the mural are those who discriminate against Muslims and minorities.

The Auvergne-Rhones-Alpes region recently suspended planned subsidies for a street-art festival in Grenoble because of the mural.

The regional government argued in a statement published Jan. 28 that the mural was "provocation" and "unacceptable," and it only benefited extremists and incited violence and hatred.


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