Hawzah News Agency- Pointing out that Humankind's true provision (Rizq) means the real benefit they receive from their wealth, Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi said, "People's accumulated wealth, life's worries and their materialistic problems should not be regarded as their true provision,"
During his Ethics course on the occasion of holy month of Ramadan in Qom, The senior seminary lecturer continued, "This holy month of Ramadan provides a great opportunity for people to abstain from faulty behaviors, one must try avoid committing sins and stay pure, since when one gets used to doing some sort of action, be it a sin or anything else, then he or she cannot give it up. Getting used to committing some sins would be the same because after a while it turns to an ordinary habit and then that person is trapped in the habit of doing it, we should keep in mind that a the faithful must govern their conscience and not vice versa."
"It can be well understood from Quranic verses that the faithful must be determined in not following their faulty instincts, but if one is used to committing sins then he or she feels like they are never able to liberate themselves from those offenses," Head of Imam Khomeini education and research institute asserted.
"It's likely that some people claim those who do not care about their religious affairs or do not observe Islamic rulings have accumulated vast amounts of money, it must be noted that the digits in their bank accounts do not prove their satisfaction of life," Ayatollah Mesbah added.
"There are so many people who are absolutely wealthy, but God has destined little amount of provision for them so much that they enjoy life as much as they enjoy eating a burnt oat bread!"
" Those who do not fear committing forbidden acts, always feel needy and seek their satisfaction in the hands of others around them, but if one devotes himself to follow God's commands then he or she will seek their richness and satisfaction in their hearts and do not expect anybody else's help," Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi concluded.
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