Indonesia (22)
NEWSIranian Qaris’ Recitations Warmly Received in Indonesia
The Masjid Agung Al-Amjad in Tangerang, Indonesia’s province of Banten, hosted a Quran recitation session attended by two Iranian qaris on Monday evening.
NEWSQuranic Diplomacy A Bridge between Nations: Iran’s Quran Ambassador
Renowned Iranian qari Hamed Shakernejad underlined the importance of Quranic diplomacy, describing it as a bridge between nations.
NEWSQuranic Course in Indonesia Features Iranian Memorization Style
A Quranic course has been launched in Indonesia on the Iranian method and style of Quran memorization.
NEWSIndonesian thinker slams US, UK for West Asia conflicts
An Indonesian researcher has warned that the United States and the UK are a constant part of the conflicts in the West Asia region.
NEWS3rd Edition of "Fadail al-Khamsah" published in Indonesian
Thanks to the efforts of the World Assembly of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), the third volume of book "Fadail Al-Khamsa Man Sahah Al-Ste" was translated into Indonesian and published in Indonesia.