Imam khamenei (130)
NEWSImam Khamenei visited defense industry exhibition showcasing the latest achievements of defense industry scientists
On Wednesday, February 12, 2025, Imam Khamenei, the Commander-in-Chief of Iran’s Armed Forces, spent an hour at the Power Exhibition of 1403, where he explored the latest advancements and capabilities…
NEWSStrength of Iran’s defense causes fear in enemies & pride in friends, & advancements must continue
Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with a group of scientists, officials, and experts from the country’s defense industry and Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics…
NEWSThe victory of the people of Gaza was a victory over US
The head and members of the leadership council of the Palestinian Resistance movement Hamas met with Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, on Saturday morning, Feb. 8, 2025.
NEWSOne must not negotiate with a govt. like the US; It isn’t wise or honorable
Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution and Commander-in-Chief of Iran’s Armed Forces met with a large group of the commanders and staff of the Air Force and Air Defense Force of…
Imefanyika katika Mnasaba wa Sikukuu za Mab'athi na Eid za Shabaniyah na katika kumbukumbu ya Ushindi wa Mapinduzi ya Kiislamu
KiswahiliImeidhinishwa na Kiongozi wa Mapinduzi kuwasamehe au kuwapunguzia adhabu zaidi ya watu elfu tatu waliotiwa hatiani na Mahakama
Kiongozi Muadhamu wa Mapinduzi ya Kiislamu amekubali ombi la Mkuu wa Vyombo vya Mahakama la kusamehewa au kupunguzwa na kubadilisha hukumu kwa ajili ya zaidi ya watu elfu tatu waliotiwa hatiani…
On the birth anniversary of Imam Sajjad (pbuh)
ReligiousImam Sajjad (as) stood up alone to prevent the destruction of religion
If Imam Hussain (pbuh) and his companions had not gone to Karbala, the bodies would have survived, but the truth would have been destroyed.
NEWSBy God’s will the impossible becomes possible & Gaza prevailed over US & Zionist regime
Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with scholars, reciters, and memorizers of the Quran who participated in the 41st International Quran Competition. The meeting took place…
PhotoMeeting with participants in 41th International Quran Competition
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with the participants in the 41th International Quran Competition.
Poster: (On the birth anniversary of Imam Hussain (pbuh))
PhotoImam of Freedom & Justice
Those who understand the concepts of freedom, justice, dignity, exaltation and lofty human values have Imam Hussain as their Imam in the pursuit of freedom, in seeking justice, in the fight against…
KiswahiliKiongozi Muadhamu atoa heshima kwa Imam Khomeini na mashahidi wa mapinduzi ya Kiislamu ya Iran
Kiongozi wa Mapinduzi ya Kiislamu, Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Khamenei, alitembelea makaburi ya Imam Khomeini (RA) na mashahidi wa Mapinduzi ya Kiislamu leo Alhamisi asubuhi.
NEWSImam Khamenei visited mausoleum of Imam Khomeini and the Garden of Martyrs
On the eve of the Fajr Decade, Imam Khamenei visited mausoleum of Imam Khomeini (ra) and paid homage to the memory of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and martyrs of the Revolution…
NEWSGaza brought US-backed, armed-to-teeth Zionist regime to its knees
On the auspicious anniversary of Eid al-Mab'ath, the day on which Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was appointed to prophethood, Imam Khamenei met with a number of officials and ambassadors from Islamic…
On the Occasion of Feast of Mab'ath:
ReligiousMab'ath; the Rise of God’s mercy
The Holy Prophet is a good exemplar. This means he was a role model whom we must follow. He is on a peak and we need to move from this base toward that peak. Humankind must move toward that peak…
On the martyrdom anniversary of Imam al- Kadhim (pbuh):
NEWSThreat Imam Kadhim (pbuh) imposed on Harounid govt. was his courage & knowledge
The threat Imam Musa Ibn Ja’far al-Kadhim (as) imposed on the caliphate system was that of a great leader with extensive knowledge; all those who were acquainted with him, knew him as a person…
NEWSWe’ve said Resistance is alive and will stay alive, Gaza has won
Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with a group of entrepreneurs, investors, and economists on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
PhotoImam Khamenei visited “Pioneers of Progress” expo
Imam Khamenei has visited the “Pioneers of Progress” expo, where Iran’s latest achievements, as well as its scientific and economic capabilities, are being showcased.
KiswahiliUtimilifu wa Utabiri wa Kiongozi Muadhamu wa Mapinduzi kuhusu hatima ya vita vya Gaza
"Mwenyezi Mungu atauonyesha ushindi huu kwa Umma wote wa Kiislamu katika siku za usoni zisizo mbali sana, na utazifanya nyoyo za watu wa Palestina na watu waliodhulumiwa wa Gaza kuwa na furaha…
KiswahiliUjumbe wa rambirambi wa Kiongozi wa Mapinduzi baada ya kifo cha Hojjat-ul-Islami Saqai Biyria
Ayatollah Khamenei, katika ujumbe wake, ametoa salamu za rambirambi kufuatia kifo cha Hojjatul Islam, Haji Sheikh Mohammad Nasser Saqai Biyria.
PhotoThe eternal path of the Resistance
The Resistance is alive and must be kept alive. It must become stronger every day. We support the Resistance wherever they stand firmly and resist in confronting the malicious actions of the…
Video: RealDeal series
Video"Quest for truth" toward "the right side of the history"
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of Imam Khamenei's Letter to the Youth in Europe and North America on January 21, 2015, publishes the RealDeal series.
NEWSImam Khamenei led the funeral prayer for two martyred judges of the Iranian Judiciary
Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, led the funeral prayer for Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimeen Sheikh Ali Razini, and Haj Sheikh Mohammad Moghiseh.
Video: On the birth anniversary of Imam Ali (pbuh)
VideoImam Ali (pbuh): Awe-inspiring to everyone
All the values and characteristic that people - those who believe in Islam, those who believe in any religion, those who don't believe in any religion - respect and appreciate, exist in Ali Ibn…
On the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam al-Jawad (pbuh)
NEWSImam al-Jawad (pbuh): The Pioneer of Open Social Discourse
There were many discussions in the times of previous Imams as well, but when it comes to collective discussions, it should be noted that Imam al-Jawad (pbuh) was the first to initiate this practice.
NEWSThere is evidence showing that the US is seeking to expand its presence in Iraq
Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani and his accompanying delegation on Wednesday, January 8, 2025. During the meeting,…
NEWSWhy don't we negotiate with the US? Since US has been defeated in Iran & shows its hostility in all ways
On the anniversary of the 1978 historic uprising of the people of Qom against the oppressive Pahlavi regime, Imam Khamenei met with thousands of people from Qom Province in the Imam Khomeini…
NEWS"Owtad", a gift to Imam Khamenei
Hassan Rouholamin, an Iranian artist and painter, completed the drawing of his latest artwork titled "O’taad" on the sidelines of Imam Khamenei’s address commemorating the fifth anniversary of…
NEWSSyria belongs to the Syrian people, US & Zionist regime will be forced to leave
On the eve of the fifth anniversary of the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, met with the family of General…
NEWSIf Jesus (pbuh) were among us today
"If Jesus (pbuh) were among us today, he wouldn’t have hesitated even a single moment to fight the leaders of oppression and global Arrogance. Nor would he have tolerated the hunger and displacement…
NEWSGaza women not included in Western women's rights
"With regard to the issue of women. The world is to blame. When I say 'the world,' I am referring to the Western world and Western culture. They have truly done harm. They have committed crimes."…
NEWSImam Khamenei: If jesus (pbuh) were among us today, he wouldn't have hesitated even a moment to fight the leaders of oppression & global arrogance.
The english page of Ayatullah Khamenei on X social network has published his message on the birth anniversary of Prophet Jesus (pbuh).