İslam İnkılabı Rehberi Harem Savunucuları ve Direniş Şehitlerinin Aileleri ile görüştü
Hiç şüphe yok ki Amerikan üsleri, Suriyeli gençlerin ayakları altında ezilecektir
Havza / İslam İnkılabı Rehberi bu sabah General Süleymani’nin şehadetinin beşinci yıl dönümü arifesinde, şehit Kasım Süleymani'nin ailesi ve Harem Savunucuları ile Direniş Şehitlerinin aileleri…
Ayetullah el-Uzma Şubeyri Zencâni'nin Ehlibeyt'e (a.s) kin besleyenlerin akibeti hakkında açıklaması
Havza / Peygamber (s.a.a.) şöyle buyurmuştur: "Ehlibeyt'ime ve neslime kin besleyen her kimse, kıyamet günü ne ben onu göreceğim ne de o beni görecektir." Ardından şöyle buyurmuştur: "Sizlerin…
Ayetullah Cenneti:
Direniş küresel bir okul haline geldi
Havza / Anayasa Koruyucular Konseyi Sekreteri Ayetullah Cenneti: "General Süleymani suikastı, Amerika'nın barışçıl sloganlarının yalan olduğunu kanıtladı."
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Jan. 1
The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Wednesday, January 1, 2025:
On the arrival of the holy month of Rajab:
A'amal and Du'as of the holy month of Rajab
Rajab is (the name of) a river in paradise. Its color is whiter than milk; its taste is sweeter than honey. Whoever fasts one day in (the month of) Rajab will have Allah quench his thirst from…
3,400 Works Submitted to Secretariat of Int'l Resistance Film Festival
Mohammad Ali Shujayi Fard, the Deputy Secretary of the International Resistance Film Festival, stated on Tuesday during a press conference for the 18th International Resistance Film Festival,…
Head of Int’l Committee of 18th Resistance Film Festival:
We Must Introduce Concept of Intelligent Resistance
Israfil Kaliji, the Secretary of the Committee of the International Resistance Film Festival, stated on Tuesday, December 31 at a press conference for the 18th International Resistance Film Festival,…
Call for Participation in 18th Int’l Resistance Film Festival
The call for the 18th International Resistance Film Festival has been released by the Secretariat of the event.
‘Ruh Al-Ruh’: How a Palestinian Grandfather’s Words Led an American Man to Islam
An American man says he embraced Islam after witnessing the faith of a Palestinian grandfather as he held his granddaughter, who was killed in an Israeli strike on Gaza.
Imam Reza Intl. University backs AI, cardiovascular health tech
Imam Reza International University (IRIU) extends scientific support to the 1st International Congress on AI and Cardiovascular Health Technologies.
Head of Quran and Hadith Research Center Visits Seminary Media Center
Hujjat al-Islam Reza Berenjkar has paid a visit to the Media and Cyberspace Center of the Islamic Seminary.
Photos: Officials of Int'l Mirza Naeini Conference meet with Senior Cleric
Officials organizing the Mirza Naeini International Conference have met with Grand Ayatollah Shobeiri Zanjani in Qom.
Islamic laws:
Blood mixed with the saliva of mouth
The blood, which comes from inside the teeth, vanishes as it gets mixed with the saliva, the saliva is Tahir (pure), and it can go down the throat.
Hadith of the day:
Al-Kāfi / The Book of Intelligence and Ignorance 31
Why did Allah sent Moses with the miracle appearing through his staff and through his hand and means of magic, Jesus with means of medical tasks and Prophet Muhammad (may Allah send blessings…
İranlı Ehli Sünnet Âlimi Mamoste Hodayi:
İslam dünyasında terörizmin zayıflaması Şehit Süleymani'nin çabalarının sonucudur
Havza / Bane ilçesinin Cuma İmamı: "Şüphesiz her adil akıl ve her bilinçli insan, İslam dünyasında terörün zayıflamasının ve gerilemesinin Şehit Hacı Kasım Süleymani gibi azizlerin gece gündüz…
İsrail’in yok oluşu hakkında Kur’an ne söylüyor?
Havza / İsrail’i yok etmek, Kur’an, rivayetler ve akıl açısından bir temele sahiptir. Kur’an’da, müminler zalimlerle mücadelede gevşek davrandıkları için kınanmıştır. Siyonist rejim, dünyada…