Hawzah News Agency - Imam Sajjad peace be upon him supplicates to Almighty God in this way:
«اللَّهُمَّ ... اسْتَعْمِلْنِی بِمَا تَسْأَلُنِی غَداً عَنْهُ.» 1
"O God! Engage me in matters for which You will question me on the Day of Judgment." (Sahifah Sajjadiyyah, Supplication no. 20)
A similar supplication has also been narrated from Lady Fatimah al-Zahra peace be upon her and Imam Sadiq peace be upon him.
This supplication can act as a guiding light, constantly accompanying a person—especially teenagers and young adults who are concerned about their faith and are at the beginning of their journey of servitude to Almighty God.
Humans, throughout their lives, are faced with numerous paths and choices. But which of these can truly help them better and more effectively in the path of servitude to God?
Through this supplication, we essentially ask the Almighty God:
O God! Direct my interests, my talents, my abilities, and the opportunities before me—all of them—towards a path that pleases You.
And, of course, to achieve this goal, one must dedicate their entire being. That is why the commander of the faithful, Imam Ali, peace be upon him supplicates to Almighty God in this way:
«یَا رَبِّ یَا رَبِّ یَا رَبِّ، قَوِّ عَلی خِدْمَتِکَ جَوارِحِی، وَاشْدُدْ عَلَی الْعَزِیمَةِ جَوانِحِی.» 2
"O my Lord, O my Lord, O my Lord! Strengthen my limbs for Your service, and fortify my heart in determination." (Du'a al-Kumail)
If we were to translate Imam Ali’s word into today's language, we might say:
O God! Use both the hardware and software of my being in the path of serving You.
Perhaps the best way to summarize all these supplications is the statement of the Prophet of God, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, who said:
«اَللَّهُمَّ لاَ تَکِلْنِی إِلَی نَفْسِی طَرْفَةَ عَیْنٍ أَبَداً.» 3
"O God! Never leave me to myself, even for the blink of an eye (i.e. a moment)." (Al-Manaqib, v. 1, p. 57)
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