Tuesday 12 November 2024 - 08:15
The role of the intellect in chastisement and reward 3

Both the abodes [of the world and the Hereafter] are grasped by the intellect, and whoever is deprived of the intellect is deprived of them both.

Hawzah News Agency -  Imam al-Hasan (AS) said:

بِالعَقلِ تُدرَكُ الدّارانِ جَميعاً، ومَن حُرِمَ مِنَ العَقلِ‏ حُرِمَهُما جَميعاً.

‘Both the abodes [of the world and the Hereafter] are grasped by the intellect, and whoever is deprived of the intellect is deprived of them both.’

Kashf al-Ghamma, v. 3, p. 197


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