Sunday 10 November 2024 - 07:28
The role of the intellect in chastisement and reward 1

The servants will rise up in rank in the Hereafter and will receive great proximity towards their Lord in proportion to their intellects.’

Hawzah News Agency - The Prophet (SAWA) asked a group of people who were praising a man:

كَيفَ عَقلُ الرَّجُلِ؟ قالوا: يا رَسولَ‏اللَّهِ، نُخبِرُكَ عَنِ اجتِهادِهِ في العِبادَةِ وأصنافِ الخَيرِ، وتَسألُنا عَن عَقلِهِ؟! فقالَ: إنَّ الأحمَقَ يُصيبُ بِحُمقِهِ أعظَمَ مِن فُجورِ الفاجِرِ، وإنَّما يَرتَفِعُ العِبادُ غَداً في الدَّرَجاتِ ويَنالونَ الزُّلفى‏ مِن رَبِّهِم عَلى‏ قَدرِ عُقولِهِم.

‘How is the man’s intellect?’ to which they replied, ‘O Prophet of Allah, we are telling you about his endeavours at worship and other good acts, and you are asking us about his intellect?!’ So he replied, ‘Verily the stupid person suffers as a result of his stupidity worse than the licentiousness of an immoral person. The servants will rise up in rank in the Hereafter and will receive great proximity towards their Lord in proportion to their intellects.’

Majma al-Bayan, v. 1, p. 487


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