Saturday 9 November 2024 - 18:26
Ahl-e Kitab 2

A Muslim is allowed to eat the food prepared by someone who is not from Ahlul Kitãb [for example, a Hindu or a Buddhist], provided that he does not know or is not sure that the non-Ahlulkitab touched the food with wetness.

Hawzah News Agency - Is it permissible to eat food prepared from non-Ahlul Kitãb (i.e. Those who are neither Christians, Jews, nor Zoroastrians) people?

Answer: A Muslim is allowed to eat the food prepared by someone who is not from Ahlul Kitãb [for example, a Hindu or a Buddhist], provided that he does not know or is not sure that the non-Ahlulkitab touched the food with wetness; and provided that he does not know or is not sure that the food consists of what is forbidden to him like for example, Haram meat, fat and their extracts.


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