Friday 8 November 2024 - 12:33

The servant is not considered as having fulfilled an obligatory act from among the acts made incumbent by Allah until he understands it.

Hawzah News Agency - Imam al-Kadhim (AS), in his advice to Hisham b. al-Hakam, said:

يا هِشامُ، ما قُسِّمَ بَينَ العِبادِ أفضَلُ مِنَ العَقلِ؛ نَومُ العاقِلِ أفضَلُ مِن سَهَرِ الجاهِلِ، وما بَعَثَ اللَّهُ نَبِيّاً إلّا عاقِلاً حَتّى‏ يَكونَ عَقلُهُ أفضَلَ مِن جَميعِ جَهدِ المُجتَهِدينَ، وما أدَّى العَبدُ فَريضَةً مِن فَرائضِ اللَّهِ حَتّى‏ عَقَلَ عَنهُ.

‘O Hisham, nothing has been bestowed upon the servants better than the intellect. The sleep of a man of intellect is better than the night vigil of an ignorant man. Every single prophet that Allah has sent down has been a man of intellect, whose intellect supercedes the labour of all diligent workers. The servant is not considered as having fulfilled an obligatory act from among the acts made incumbent by Allah until he understands it.’

Tuhaf al-Uqul, no. 397


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