Hawzah News Agency – Marzouq Al-Ghanim, the Speaker of the Kuwaiti National Assembly, said today that it was not accepted for the world to deal with issues of occupation with double standards.
Speaking today before the Inter-Parliamentary Union Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, Al-Ghanim said, “We definitely in principle condemn any occupation, and I’m talking from a country that was occupied 30 years ago.”
“No body, and I'm talking to the 12+ Group, how can they ask for expelling the Russian delegation or any other delegation from the IPU for an invasion that took place days or weeks ago and not expelling the Israelis for the invasion that took place before 60 years,” wondered the Kuwaiti lawmaker.
“So that's a double standard and I don't think that you as president accept such thing,” he said, addressing the IPU President.
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