Hawzah News Agency – The Prophet (SAWA), in his will to Abu Dharr said,
يا أبا ذرٍّ، لا يكونُ الرّجُلُ مِن المُتَّقينَ حتّى يُحاسِبَ نَفسَهُ أشَدَّ مِن مُحاسَبَةِ الشَّريكِ لِشَريكِهِ، فيَعلَمَ مِن أينَ مَطعَمُهُ، ومِن أينَ مَشرَبُهُ، ومِن أينَ مَلبَسُهُ؟ أمِن حِلٍّ ذلكَ، أم مِن حَرامٍ؟
'O Abu Dharr, a man will not be among the Godwary until he takes account of himself more than a partner would take account of his [business] partner, such that he knows where his food comes from, where his drink comes from, and where his clothes come from - do they come from the lawful or the prohibited?'
Source: Kanz al-Ummal, no. 8501
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