Friday 3 September 2021 - 15:40

Hawzah News Agency Imam al-Sadiq peace be upon him says:

المؤمنُ لَه قوّةٌ في دِينٍ، وحَزْمٌ في لِينٍ، وإيمانٌ في يقينٍ، وحِرْصٌ في فِقهٍ، ونَشاطٌ في هُدىً... وصَلاةٌ في شُغلٍ.

'The believer possesses strength in his religion, prudence in his leniency, faith in conviction, an avid desire for religious understanding, activity in [matters pertaining to] guidance... and prayer during times of preoccupation.'

Source: al-Kafi, p. 231, no. 4


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