Tuesday 4 October 2016 - 10:28
 Imam al-Ridha Shrine’s Atmosphere 'Spiritual and Peaceful'

Professor of Melbourne University said, "Spiritual atmosphere of Imam Reza's (A.S.) Holy Shrine provides the mankind with a sense of calmness and security".

Hawzah News Agency- on the side line of his visitation from the Razavi Holy Shrine, David Wilmas said, "This is my fourth trip to Iran and I visit Mashhad and Imam al-Ridha (A.S.) Holy Shrine whenever I come here".


Referring to his first visitation of the Razavi Shrine in 2004, he said, "Whenever I arrive at the Razavi complex, I encounter with more developments both in the vastness of courtyards and porticos and also in the shrine's architectures".


On the sideline of his visitation from Astan Quds Razavi's museums, Wilmas added, "Muslims particularly Iranian people represent lots of interest in Qur'an and Household of the Apostle of God (S.A.W.); therefore, they spent their best and most valuable arts and properties to recognize and commemorate these honorable people".


Professor of Melbourne University referred to the history of the Razavi Shrine and stressed, "Large and small porticos and courtyards next to each other and the tile and mirror works created by expert artists and masters have multiplied the beauty of this shrine". 



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