Hawzah News Agency – Imam al-Kazim peace be upon him says:
إنّ الزَّرعَ يَنبُتُ في السَّهلِ ولا يَنبُتُ في الصَّفا؛ فكذلكَ الحِكمَةُ تَعمُرُ في قَلبِ المُتَواضِعِ، ولا تَعمُرُ في قَلبِ المُتَكبِّرِ الجَبّارِ؛ لأنّ اللَّهَ جَعلَ التَّواضُعَ آلَةَ العَقلِ، وجَعَلَ التَّكبُّرَ مِن آلَةِ الجَهلِ.
'A plant grows on level ground and not on the hard terrain, and similarly wisdom flourishes in the heart of the humble, and does not flourish in the heart of the haughty and overbearing, because Allah made humbleness the instrument of the intellect and haughtiness the instrument of ignorance.'
Source: Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 312, no. 1
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