۳۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۱۷ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 21, 2024
Maria Lifini, an American Professor, converted to Shiism and had the honor of the visiting the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (PBUH

The coordinator between Muslims and Christians in Senegal, an American professor had the honor of visiting holy shrine of Imam Ali (a.s.).

Hawzah News Agency (Najaf, Iraq) - The coordinator between Muslims and Christians in Senegal, the American professor Maria Lifini, had the honor of visiting the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali (a.s.). The employees of the Public Relations Department welcomed and accompanied her.

"I knew Muslims' life-styles and conduct through communicating with them in Michigan, Lebanon, and Senegal. Because of what I saw and experienced with them, I converted to Islam," she stated in a press statement to the Media Center of the Holy Shrine.



"I came to know the wisdom, piety, and high morals of Imam Ali (a.s.) better through visiting his holy shrine."

In the conclusion of her visit, she was present English publications of those published by the holy shrine.




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