Hawzah News Agency (Qom, Iran) – The Qur’an is the very word of God; a complete record of the exact words revealed by Almighty God through the Archangel Gabriel to His Last Messenger. This holy book is not just a torch of guidance for afterlife, and if you look at it close enough, you would find important messages for living in this life as well.
Here we are going to present some informative articles about how you can relate on the verses of Qur’an in real life which potentially would lead to solving your personal and social problems and having a very spiritual and beautiful life by accepting God’s commands:
The enemy always fights you the hardest, when you are close to your victory. So when you tempted to get discouraged, sour, go back to the shallow waters, it is never going to work out, it is been too long; that is the time that you have to dig your heels in and say, “I am coming too far to stop now. My God is still on the throne, fighting my battles.”
The forces that are for you are greater than the forces that are against you. Your destiny cannot be stopped by bad breaks, by oppositions, by obstacles. God has the final saying. When you stay in agreement with him, he will get you to where you are supposed to be. You are in it to win it. Do not let this bad break, this unfair situation, this disappointment steal your dreams. Go to give birth to everything God has placed in your heart. Nothing that you have been through has been wasted. It made you stronger. It helped you develop your character.
So often you are focused on what you lost, how unfair it was. You do not think it is going to change. No, do not name your future based on a negative past. Every day is a new day; God is doing a new thing. Every day He is engaged in some work. So which of your Lord's bounties will you both deny? (Qur’an; 55: 29&30)
The enemy you have seen in the past you will see no more. God has shifted things in your favor. Your attitude should be this is only temporary. He is going to open the new doors of opportunity. This is what David, Moses and other prophets did. They went through plenty of bad breaks, disappointment, but they did not name their future based on their past. Think about Prophet Mohammad. He was an orphan, but God saved Him and gave Him a manifest victory. He established a big government. God told him: “Indeed We have inaugurated for you a clear victory.” (Qur’an; 48:1)
God’s honor is heavy on you. You are heavy with God’s favor. God has equipped you, empowered you and no weapon formed against you can prosper. Now pay no mind to the people that are trying to discourage you. God Almighty did not put the promise in them; He put the promise in you. What God started in your life, He will finish. When you honor God like that, He will make more out of your life than you ever imagined. Trust in God and be sure that you will overcome every obstacle, defeat every enemy and become everything that God has created you to be. Know that whoever puts his trust in God, He will suffice him. Indeed God carries through His command. (Qur’an; 65:3)
Author: Abolfazl Sabouri
Meditation on God's word
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