Scientific Meeting (7)
HOWZAHScientific Event on Artificial Intelligence Held in Qom
A specialized scientific event on artificial intelligence focused on ontology was held under the auspices of the Center for Modern Islamic Sciences.
NEWSMeeting " Consequences of Exclusivity in Abrahamic Religions" To Be Held
The specialized meeting called "Consequences of exclusivism in Abrahamic religions with the approach of criticizing Takfiri Movements" will be held under the auspices of the Department of Islamic…
HOWZAHPrinciples of Dialogue with Followers of Eastern Religions Investigated
The 15th session of the religious dialogue workshop in the international arena, hosted by Jamiat Al-Zahra University (PBUH) was held with the title "Principles of dialogue with followers of Eastern…
PhotoPhoto/ "Islamic Republic and Women's Narration" Scientific Meeting
The Scientific Meeting on "Islamic Republic and Women's Narration" was held at Women and Family Research Institute.
PhotoPhoto/ Scientific Meeting: "Effects of Imam Khomeini's Jurisprudential School of Thought on Shiite Political Jurisprudence"
The scientific meeting on "effects of Imam Khomeini's jurisprudential school of thought on shiite political jurisprudence", held with Hujjat-al-Islam Vaezi's lecture, at the Institute for Compilation…
PhotoPhoto/ "A Step Towards Research" Scientific Meeting
One of a series of meeting on problem solving skills called "A Step Towards Research" held with a group of seminary professors and elites' presence at Imam Kazem (PBUH) seminary school in Qom.
PhotoPhoto/ National Conference on Deviating Ideologies and Mahdism False Claimants Poster Unveiling Ceremony
The Research Center for Mahdism and Future Studies held a scientific meeting during which poster of the national conference on deviating ideology and false claimants of Mahdism in the contemporary…