Qadr nights (Laylat al-Qadr) (17)
ReligiousDeeds of Laylat al-Qadr (Eve of Twenty third of Ramadan)
O Allah I ask You, for the sake of Your revealed Book, and what is in it, and in it is Your greatest name, and (all) Your beautiful names, and what is feared and hoped for, make me amongst those…
ReligiousImam Ali (pbuh), a role model for all age groups
It was he who agreed to sleep on the Holy Prophet's (s.w.a.) bed and face danger during the night when the enemies were supposed to break into the house and mutilate the Holy Prophet (s.w.a.)…
ReligiousThe father of the orphans
“I had wished I was an orphan too, so that I would have received the same attention and kindness from the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh).”
ReligiousAccording to the holy prophet of Islam, Imam Ali (a.s.) is the benchmark for recognizing the truth
Shia and Sunni Muslims have quoted the Holy Prophet as saying, "Ali is with truth, and truth is with Ali. Truth revolves around him wherever he is."
ReligiousWhat is the reason behind the naming of the Night of Qadr?
The one who brings alive this specific night becomes the master of destiny, rank, and station.
ReligiousWas the night of Qadr existed for previous nations as well as Muslim community?
The Prophet (ṣ): God bestowed the Night of Qadr upon my community and not a single nation before was ever given such a blessing.
FORUMIslamic Centre in Switzerland to hold online programs on Qadr nights
The programs started on May 12. Tuesday’s program began with recitation of Iftitah supplication and continued with speeches by Sheikh Abeed Hussein in Arabic, Persian and Urdu.
ReligiousShias, Sunnis and non-Muslims admit incapability in grasping Imam Ali’s spiritual status
"Ibrahim al-Khalil al-Rahman should be proud of having such a son"; Ibn Abi al-Hadid says about Imam Ali (pbuh)
ReligiousDeeds of Laylat al-Qadr (Eve of Twenty first of Ramadan)
O Allah I ask You, for the sake of Your revealed Book, and what is in it, and in it is Your greatest name, and (all) Your beautiful names, and what is feared and hoped for, make me amongst those…
ReligiousThe most selfless and most sacrificing figure for Islam and Muslims
The patience of the Commander of the Faithful was a sacrifice. His measures were a sacrifice. His cooperation was a sacrifice. His acceptance of caliphate was a sacrifice.
ReligiousTwo paradoxical features in Imam Ali (a.s.)
He was steadfast and strict in the face of oppression, oppressors, deviation from the path of God. He also behaved in a completely sensitive and delicate manner towards the oppressed, underprivileged,…
ReligiousThe most powerful, yet he was a ruler who was wronged the most in history!
Imam Ali (pbuh)'s robust physique, intellect, determination, management, and style of rhetoric were all indications of a strong and powerful individual. At the same time, this strong man was…
The Night of Qadr:
ReligiousFrom the Night of Qadr religious people begin a new year
During the Night of Qadr, one enters a new year, a new stage and in fact, a new life and birth. From this night onwards, one begins to take a path with his provisions of piety.
ReligiousNight of Power (Lailatul-Qadr)
In this night the sustenance and age of servants, and the good and evil of their affairs are destined.
ReligiousDeeds of Laylat al-Qadr (Eve of Nineteenth of Ramadan)
O Allah I ask You, for the sake of Your revealed Book, and what is in it, and in it is Your greatest name, and (all) Your beautiful names, and what is feared and hoped for, make me amongst those…
FORUMMosques to reopen across Iran in conventionality with social distancing measures
The health ministry made it clear that social distancing must be observed by worshippers attending mosques.