Ayatollah Alireza Arafi (15)
EspañolReacción del director de los seminarios islámicos ante la masacre de civiles inocentes en Siria por parte de los grupos armados de Tahrir al-Sham
Hawzah/El Ayatolá A'rafi, en respuesta a la masacre de civiles en Siria por parte de los grupos armados de Tahrir al-Sham, declaró: "Condeno estos crímenes y hago un llamado a todos los sabios…
KiswahiliMkutano wa karibu wa Ayatollah Arafi na Maprofesa (Walimu) na Wanafunzi wa Seminari ya Qom + Picha
Mkutano wa karibu wa Mkurugenzi wa Seminari nchini (Iran) na Maprofesa na Wanafunzi wa Seminari ya Qom umefanyika katika ukumbi wa mikutano wa shule ya daraja ya juu ya Dar al-Shafa iliyopo Qom.
HOWZAHAyat. Arafi condemns Parachinar Terrorist Attack
The head of the Iranian centers of scholarship, Ayatollah Arafi, has issued a statement condemning the recent bloody attack on Shias of Parachinar, urging the Pakistani government to protect…
SCHOLARSAyat. Arafi condoles over demise of Seyyed Ahmad Shams
The Head of Iran’s seminaries expressed his condolences on the demise of the eulogist of Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) Seyyed Ahmad.
HOWZAHSenior Cleric meets with Grand Mufti of Russia
The Head of Iran’s Seminary Ayatollah Alireza Arafi had a meeting with Sheikh Ravil Ainuddin, Grand Mufti and head of the Department of Religious Affairs of Muslims of the Russian Federation,…
Avicenna Foundation Welcomes Ayatollah Arafi in Russia
HOWZAHAyat. Arafi visits Avicenna Foundation in Moscow
Ayatollah Arafi paid a visit to the Avicenna Foundation in Moscow during his trip to Russia.
Ayatollah Arafi:
HOWZAHWorking With "Sincerity" A Path to Eternal Blessings
The Head of Iran’s Seminary stated that if the work is sincerely done for the sake of God, it will redefine the action, and clarified,” Man can turn his work into an eternal commodity with sincerity.”