۳ آبان ۱۴۰۳ |۲۰ ربیع‌الثانی ۱۴۴۶ | Oct 24, 2024
News ID: 367733
9 July 2024 - 14:00

Al-Mustafa International University’s representative in Central Asia said,” Hakim Farabi has a special place in the Islamic world as a unifier.”

Hawzah News Agency- the head of the Al-Mustafa International University representative in Central Asia and the head of the international department of Hakim Farabi Hujjat al-Islam Mohseni, said in a press conference on Sunday, July 7 that al-Farabi is considered an international personality in the Islamic world and has a huge capacity to improve relations between the countries of the region.

Emphasizing the necessity of paying serious attention to wisdom and rationality in the Islamic world, he noted,” This view should be highlighted against the approaches of Salafism and Takfiri. Hakim Farabi Conference is in the field of wisdom and opinion and can be the basis of our discourse in the region, especially in Central Asian countries.”

The head of the Al-Mustafa University’s representative office in Central Asia further referred to the readiness of the University of Kazakhstan to cooperate in this conference, acknowledging,” We hope that the Farabi Conference will be held at a high international level, and for this purpose, pre-meetings have been prepared inside and outside the country, whose time and place will be finalized in the working groups of the conference.”

The axes of the conference

In another part of this meeting, the head of the higher education complex of Hikmat and Religious Studies Hujjat al-Islam Abdul Majid Zehadat pointed out the main themes of the international conference, saying, "al-Farabi's place in the development of theoretical wisdom", "Farabi's role in the development and refinement of theoretical wisdom" and the position and function of Islamic rationality with an emphasis on Farabi's views are among the main axes of this conference.”


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