Saturday 18 June 2022 - 17:51

Hawzah News Agency Imam al-Sadiq (AS), from his fathers (AS) said,

إنّ مِن التَّواضُعِ أن يَرضى‏ الرّجُلُ بِالمَجلِسِ دُونَ المَجلِسِ، وأن يُسَلِّمَ على‏ مَن يَلقى‏، وأن يَترُكَ المِراءَ وإن كانَ مُحِقّاً، ولا يُحِبَّ أن يُحمَدَ علَى التَّقوى‏.

'Humbleness is for a man to be content to sit in any place and not a particular place, to greet those he meets, to leave disputation even if he is right, and to not like to be praised for piety.'

Source: Bihar al-Anwar, v. 75, p. 118, no. 3


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