Saturday 10 June 2017 - 22:30
Chapter 68: Seeds of love never die!

The seeds of hope, mercy, encouragement that you plant in other people never die. // "O, you who have faith! Avoid much suspicion. Indeed some suspicions are sins. Moreover, do not spy on or backbite one another. Will any of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it. And be wary of God; indeed God is all-clement, all-merciful." (Qur’an; 49:12).

Hawzah News Agency (Qom, Iran) – The Qur’an is the very word of God; a complete record of the exact words revealed by Almighty God through the Archangel Gabriel to His Last Messenger. This holy book is not just a torch of guidance for afterlife, and if you look at it close enough, you would find important messages for living in this life as well.

Here we are going to present some informative articles about how you can relate on the verses of Qur’an in real life which potentially would lead to solving your personal and social problems and having a very spiritual and beautiful life by accepting God’s commands:


 When you show unconditional love, people may not respond right away. It may not seem like it is doing any good. They keep making poor choices. However, here is the key: Those seeds never die. The seeds of hope, mercy, encouragement that you plant in other people they never die. It may look like it is not doing any good, but the reason it is not growing, is the soil of their heart; it is hard and rocky. That seed could not take root. The good news is the seed is still alive, and at the right time, God will soften their heart, losing up that soil, and the seed you have sown will take root and bring a harvest.


Nothing you are doing has been wasted. Every time you show love, you are sowing these seeds. However, sometimes you think that you have to convict people. You have to tell them what they are doing wrong, point out all their faults; make sure they really feel guilty. No, and because of this spying is forbidden in Islam. Qur’an says, “O, you who have faith! Avoid much suspicion. Indeed some suspicions are sins. Moreover, do not spy on or backbite one another. Will any of you love to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it. And be wary of God; indeed God is all-clement, all-merciful.” (Qur’an; 49:12)


 You just keep sowing these seeds, showing unconditional love, and at the right time, they will come to life and God will make it grow. Qur’an says, “Have you considered what you sow? Is it you who make it grow, or are We the grower?” (Qur’an; 56: 63-64)


Author: Abolfazl Sabouri

Meditation on God's word


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