Friday 9 June 2017 - 22:30
Chapter 67: We are on a journey!

You have to realize every person is on a journey. Where they are right now is not where they are going to end up. They are not a finished product. They are still on the potter’s wheel.

Hawzah News Agency (Qom, Iran) – The Qur’an is the very word of God; a complete record of the exact words revealed by Almighty God through the Archangel Gabriel to His Last Messenger. This holy book is not just a torch of guidance for afterlife, and if you look at it close enough, you would find important massages for living in this life as well.

Here we are going to present some informative Articles about how you can relate on the verses of Qur’an in real life which potentially would lead to solving your personal and social problems and having a very spiritual and beautiful life by accepting God’s commands:

You should be like Almighty God. You should be kind to people. God’s love is not exclusive; it is inclusive. It does not exclude people that are different. It does not write people off because they are not where they should be in life. It does not ignore someone because they are not meeting our standards. It is unconditional love and mercy. Unconditional mercy says, “I am going to love you even if I do not agree with you. I may not agree with your lifestyle, your doctrine, how you are raising your children, the friends you are choosing, but I know this: you are made in the image of Almighty God and the spirit of God is in you and I am not called to judge you. I am called to love you, to be kind with you. Yes I may disagree with your behavior, with your lifestyle, but I love you and because of that I will try my best to help you to get rid of it.”

 If you think he is sick, then you need to cure him. It is the sick who need a doctor, not the healthy. Holy prophet (peace be upon him and his pure progeny) was a doctor for others and he found sick people and cured them. He said, “Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or is oppressed.” A man enquired, “O Messenger of God! I help him when he is oppressed, but how can I help him when he is an oppressor?” He (peace be upon him and his pure progeny) said, “You can keep him from committing oppression. That will be your help to him.” 

 You have to realize every person is on a journey. Where they are right now is not where they are going to end up. They are not a finished product. They are still on the potter’s wheel. However, so often you judge people for where they are today. You may write them off and think they are a mess; they are done. No, God will use you to plant seeds in their heart. Your love, your friendship, your encouragement is a part of the plan God has designed for their life. God is counting on you to make a difference. Do not have a holier than thou attitude. Take off the judgmental classes. If not for the grace of God, you could be right where they are. The same things that you are tempted to be judgmental and critical about, if not for God’s goodness, you could be struggling with as well. Moreover, if you had walked in their shoes, been raised in their family, fought the battles that they fought, you would understand why they are where they are. The areas that you are strong in, you did not just happen to be strong; that is the mercy of God on your life. So do not turn your face away from people out of arrogance; nor walk in the street exultingly; verily, God does not like any self-conceited Boaster. (Qur’an; 31:18)

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