Hawzah News Agency (Qom, Iran) – The Qur’an is the very word of God; a complete record of the exact words revealed by Almighty God through the Archangel Gabriel to His Last Messenger. This holy book is not just a torch of guidance for afterlife, and if you look at it close enough, you would find important messages for living in this life as well.
Here we are going to present some informative articles about how you can relate on the verses of Qur’an in real life which potentially would lead to solving your personal and social problems and having a very spiritual and beautiful life by accepting God’s commands:
God Almighty made you as a person of excellence. May be all you have seen modeled is mediocrity but God is calling you to a higher standard. He is going to take you places you have never dreamed of, but you have to do your part and stir up the excellence that is on the inside. Do not make excuses. No, take this challenge to come up to a higher level of excellence. Even in your personal appearance; how you dress, how you present yourself, how you keep your clothes clean and something like these. Holy Prophet (peace be upon him and his pure progeny) said, “Cleanliness is a sign of faith.” Indeed God loves those who keep clean. (Qur’an; 2:222)
Try to be order. As Imam Ali (as) said, “I will all of you to observe piety and order.” God does not like sloppiness. Make sure you still look good for your children, for your spouse. When you have this spirit of excellence, you do the right thing not because somebody is watching you, not because they are making you do it. You do it to honor God. You do just for the sake of God like the pious and the righteous; they give food to the needy, the orphan and the prisoner (and say): “We feed you only for the sake of God. We do not want any reward from you or any thanks.” (Qur’an; 76: 8&9)
Sometimes you have to say, “God, I do not feel like doing this but I am going to do it onto you.” You should do your best just for the sake of God and it is passing the test to see His favor. Some people are not seeing God’s favor, as they should because they are not passing the small test.
Author: Abolfazl Sabouri
Meditation on God's word
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