Hawzah News Agency (Qom, Iran) -The Quran is the principle source of every Muslim’s faith and practice, but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures and provides guidelines for a just society, proper human conduct and equitable economic principles. For next 100 days we are presenting some short articles on ethical issues that have been written based on the verses of Quran.
Did you know that wrong labels could keep you from your destiny? You are not who people say you are. You are who God says you are. People will label you not good enough, too slow, too old, too many mistakes. God labels you strong, talented, valuable, more than a conqueror. You are from God. He tells us: “I breathed from My spirit into him”. (Quran; 15:29) and said: “You are the successor of God on earth”, (Quran; 2:30) and after the creation of human God almighty said: “So glory be to God, the best of creators”. (Quran; 23:14)
Make sure that you are wearing the right labels. Do not go the next 20 years allowing one negative comment to hold you back. Many people do not know any better. They wear the negative labels like they are the truth. They become so engrained in their thinking that they end up becoming what people say they are instead of what God says they are.
This is the time to remove every negative label. People do not determine your destiny; God does. “Indeed we belong to God, and to Him do we indeed return”. (Quran; 2:156) “And with Him are the keys to the unseen, none know them except He. And He knows what is in the land and in the sea; and not a leaf falls except with His knowledge; nor a seed in the darkness of the earth; nor anything moist or anything dry; all is in a clear record”. (Quran; 6:59) The only power that label has over you is the power that you give it. If you will remove it; if you will forgive that person and quit dwelling on it, then that label will have no effect on you. So choose to let go of every negative word spoken over you and choose to forgive those who have hurt you.
Noble Words
Author: Abolfazl Sabouri
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