Hawzah News Agency-The Qur’an is the principle source of every Muslim’s faith and practice, but its basic theme is the relationship between God and His creatures and provides guidelines for a just society, proper human conduct and equitable economic principles. For next 100 days we are presenting some short articles on ethical issues that have been written based on the verses of Qur’an.
When others look at your life, what do they see? Does your daily life win the respect of others? As believers, we are God’s representatives in the earth. He said: “Indeed I am going to set a successor on the earth”. (Qur’an; 2:30) We are called to a higher standard. The way we live our lives should bring glory to almighty God. We should take the high road and live a life of excellence. We should follow the messenger of almighty God as He says: “In the Apostle of God there is certainly for you a good exemplar, for those who look forward to God and the Last Day, and remember God greatly”. (Qur’an; 33:21)
Being a good follower of holy prophet means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It means finding common ground in order to be a peacemaker. It means going out with an attitude of faith and thanksgiving. It means living daily life as an example of God’s love and being compassionate and merciful to His creatures. Qur’an says: “There has certainly come to you an apostle from among yourselves. Grievous to him is your distress; he is full of concern for you, and most kind and merciful to the faithful”. (Qur’an; 9:128) Yes, Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him and his pure progeny) was sent “as a mercy to all the nations and all creatures”. (Qur’an; 21:107)
Remember, you will become like whomever you follow. If you follow the Apostle of God you will develop His character. And you will become like whomever you spend the most time with. If you are committed to spending time with God every day, you will win the respect of outsiders and bring glory to your Lord!
Noble Words
Author: Abolfazl Sabouri
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