will deliver a televised speech
Sayyed Nasrallah addresses nation Tuesday night
The speech will tackle the latest political and economic developments in Lebanon and the Middle East amid the US economic siege on Lebanon and unjust sanctions on regional states.
US confiscation of masks and gloves is a result of western, liberal culture
"There are probably few eras in the history of mankind where the whole of mankind has felt the need for a savior as much as they do today, whether consciously or subconsciously. This is the feeling of a need for a savior, a powerful divine guide."
Imam Khamenei will deliver a live televised speech on the 15th of Sha’ban
The televised speech of His Eminence will be broadcast live this Thursday at 11 AM on national television, on Khamenei.IR, and on his Instagram and Twitter accounts; and, it will be in different languages.
Sayyed Nasrallah speaks Tuesday night
The speech is expected to tackle the latest developments pertaining the coronavirus fight and the economic crisis in Lebanon.