Steadfastness, Sacrifices of Resistance Fighters Key to Hezbollah’s Victory: Sheikh Qassem
Hezbollah’s secretary-general highlighted the resistance movement’s victory in confrontation with the Israeli regime, referring to steadfastness and sacrifices of its fighters as major factors…
Hamas Committed to Ending Israeli Aggression in Gaza
Hamas said it is committed to ending the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza.
Kum İlim Havzası Âlimler Cemiyeti:
Bugünkü Suriye’nin durumu, direnişin bedelini ödemek istemeyenlerin geleceğidir
Havza / Kum İlim Havzası Âlimler Cemiyeti: “Suriye’nin bugünkü durumu, direniş ve dayanışmanın bedelini ödemek istemeyen herkesin geleceğini yansıtmaktadır.”
Arap Birliği Dışişleri Bakanları'nın Ürdün'deki Suriye'de toplantısının ardından ortak bildiri yayınladı
Havza / Bölgesel ve Batılı üst düzey diplomatlar, Ürdün'ün Akabe şehrinde bir araya gelerek Suriye krizi için ortak bir bildiri yayınladılar. Arap Birliği yetkilileri Siyonistlerin Suriye topraklarına…
Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on Dec. 14
The following headlines appeared in English-language newspapers in the Iranian capital on Saturday, December 14, 2024:
Ayatollah Arafi meets with Grand Ayatollah Sobhani
Head of the Islamic Seminaries of Iran has met with Grand Ayatollah Sobhani in Qom.
Ceremony to Mark Completion of Ayat. Javadi Amoli’s 80-Volume Quran Exegesis
Hujjat al-Islam Javadi Amoli has said,” A ceremony is planned in the holy city of Qom early next year to celebrate the completion of an exegesis of the Holy Quran by Grand Ayatollah Abdollah…
Hadith of the day:
The Book of Intelligence and Ignorance 15
When our Qa’im (Imam al-Mahdi) rises, Allah will place His hand over the heads of His servants and He will place their intelligence together and complete their understanding.