۳۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۱۷ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 21, 2024
Behind the scenes of Trump’s economic mafia in Iraq | The US has risen to divide Iraq

In a meeting with Dr. Mohsen Rezaei, Hujjat al-Islam al-Kaabi exposed the Trump economic mafia in Iraq and announced that the Americans seek to divide the country.

Hawzah News Agency - (Tehran - Iran) - According to the Communication and Media Affairs Centre of al-‎Nujaba in Iran, Hujjat al-Islam Akram al-Kaabi‎, the secretary-general of al-Nujaba, ‎met with Dr. Mohsen Rezaei, the secretary of the Expediency Council.

In the meeting, Hujjat al-Islam al-Kaabi stressed the sensitivity of the current situation in Iraq and said, “The United States sought to change Iraq’s political-security equation by attacking the positions of the Popular Mobilization Forces and assassinating the martyrs Qasem Soleymani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis but the people’s awakeness prevented that goal from being achieved.”

Referring to the defeat of the occupiers in the military confrontation with the Islamic Resistance groups, His Eminence continued, “After this defeat, the Americans pursued a vicious policy and lined up media mercenaries to betray Iraq and wage a soft war against their country. These mercenaries who often reside outside Iraq.”

He named confrontation with the United States’ soft war as a priority on the agenda of the Iraqi Islamic Resistance and stressed upon the negative role of the American embassy in Baghdad in creating political and sectarian sedition.

In another part of his speech, Hujjat al-Islam al-Kaabi described the domination of the United States over the Iraqi economy and noted, “American companies in Iraq operate like mafia gangs and are directly supported by Trump, his son-in-law, his daughter and his team.”

The commander-in-chief of the Iraqi Islamic Resistance continued, “These companies are spreading corruption in Iraq and, with a complete monopoly, are even blocking the activities of United States-allied economic institutions in Iraq.”

He called the United States’ green light for Turkey to occupy areas in northern Iraq as a sign of Washington’s commitment to the disintegration of this country and added, “At the same time, the United States is encouraging the Kurds to stand up to the central government and inciting the Sunni brothers against the Shi’ahs.”

Hujjat al-Islam al-Kaabi then referred to the deadline given by the Islamic Resistance groups to Iraqi political parties to end the occupation by the United States and said, “This deadline is coming to an end but so far we have not seen a positive change. The United States views political organizations through the eyes of its troops and does not interact with Iraq as a sovereign state.”

His Eminence called Washington’s disregard for millions of people and the Iraqi parliament’s decision to expel foreign troops “unacceptable” and said, “The Islamic Resistance groups delivered a painful message to Washington but the United States is reciprocally pushing the Islamic Resistance through some political parties to halt its operations.”

He reminded the United States of its responsibility in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and described the current negotiations between the governments of Iraq and the United States as not having a positive result and stated, “Some details of these conversations are unfortunate. For example, instead of the phrase ‘withdrawal of American troops from Iraq,’ they have imposed the phrase ‘rearrangement of forces’ on the Iraqi negotiating team to preserve their reputation.”

Hujjat al-Islam al-Kaabi stated, “The United States will eventually withdraw from Iraq and the blows by the Islamic Resistance will become more frequent and more severe. The number and capabilities of the Islamic resistance groups in Iraq have increased and just as they defeated Daesh, they have risen up against the American occupiers today.”

He concluded by referring to the presidential election in the United States, saying, “There is no difference between Donald Trump and Joe Biden and in any case, the United States is an absolute evil. The policies of the White House do not change with the change of individuals. In this regard, our policy towards the United States must be a policy of power and stability. I tell my Iraqi friends not to ignore the outcome of this election but rather to be ready to face the evil American project to divide Iraq.”


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