۲۸ اردیبهشت ۱۴۰۳ |۹ ذیقعدهٔ ۱۴۴۵ | May 17, 2024
imam hussain s

Hawzah News Agency – Imam Husayn peace be upon him says:

دَخَلتُ عَلى رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله وَعِندَهُ أُبي ابنُ كَعبٍ، فَقالَ لي رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله مَرحَباً بِكَ ‏يا أبا عَبدِاللَّهِ، يا زَينَ السَمَواتِ وَالأرَضينَ، قالَ لَهُ أبَيٌّ: وَكَيفَ يَكونُ يا رسولَ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله زَينُ السَّماواتِ وَالأرَضينَ أحَدٌ غَيرُكَ؟! قالَ: يا أُبَيُّ وَالَّذي بَعَثَني بِالحَقِّ نَبيّاً إنَّ الحُسَينَ بنَ عَليٍّ في السَّماءِ أكبَرُ مِنهُ في الأرضِ، وَإنَّهُ لَمَكتوبٌ عَن يَمينِ عَرشِ اللَّهِ عزّ وجلّ: مِصباحُ هُدىً وَسَفينَةُ نَجاةٍ وَإمامٌ غَيرُ وَهنٍ وَعِزٌّ وَفَخرٌ وَعَلَمٌ وَذُخرٌ.

'I visited the Prophet (SAWA) when Ubayy ibn Kab was with him. The Prophet greeted me, saying, 'Welcome O Aba Abdillah, O the beauty of the heavens and the earths.' So Ubayy said, 'How is it possible, O Messenger of Allah, for anyone other than you to be the beauty of the heavens and the earths?' He said, 'O Ubayy I swear by Him who has rightfully sent me down as a messenger, certainly [the worth of] Husayn b. Ali is greater in the heavens than on the earth. And verily it is written [about him] on the right side of Allah's Throne: lamp of guidance, ark of salvation, an Imam, not weak, a [source of] dignity and pride, a landmark and a great treasure.'

Source: 'Uyun Akhbar al-Rida, v. 1, p. 59, no. 29


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