۳۱ شهریور ۱۴۰۳ |۱۷ ربیع‌الاول ۱۴۴۶ | Sep 21, 2024
News ID: 350946
31 January 2018 - 18:30
Israeli troops killed Palestinian teen in Ramallah

Israeli troops have shot dead 16-year-old Palestinian teenager in northern Ramallah under the pretext of stabbing attack against them. Human rights groups have repeatedly criticized the Tel Aviv regime for its policy of shoot-to-kill as a large number of the Palestinians killed at the scene of attacks did not pose serious threats to Israelis.

Hawzah News Agency (Occupied Territories of Palestine)- According to the Palestinian Health MinistryLayth Abu Naeem was shot in the head at close range by Israeli troops who had entered his village of al-Mugheir.

He died en route to a hospital in Ramallah.

"The trooper killed him from a short range. They could have arrested him; they could have injured him; they could have shot his leg," said his uncle. "But the trooper meant to kill him. The bullet went through his eye and through the back of his head."

The Israeli military regularly opens fatal fire on Palestinians, accusing them of attempting to carry out stabbing attacks against its forces.

Human rights groups have repeatedly criticized the Tel Aviv regime for its policy of shoot-to-kill as a large number of the Palestinians killed at the scene of attacks did not pose serious threats to Israelis.

The number of Israeli attacks have sharply risen since the US President Donald Trump, on December 6, 2017, announced his decision to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel's capital and relocate the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to the occupied city.

The dramatic shift in Washington's policy vis-à-vis the city triggered demonstrations in the occupied Palestinian territories, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, Algeria, Iraq, Morocco and other Muslim countries.




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