News ID: 358833
19 August 2019 - 17:24

Imam Ali(pbuh) mentions some of the Fruits of taking account of oneself.

Hawzah News Agency – The commander of faithful, Imam Ali, peace be upon him says:

مَن حاسَبَ نفسَهُ وقَفَ على‏ عُيوبِهِ، وأحاطَ بذُنوبِهِ، واسْتَقالَ الذُّنوبَ، وأصْلَحَ العُيوبَ.

'He who takes account of his soul will understand his defects and know his sins. He will repent for the sins and amend the defects.'

Source: Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 8927