Saturday 7 December 2024 - 19:13
Palestinian Publisher receives Top Prize in Int’l Publishers Association

Palestinian publisher Samir Mansour received the Prix Voltaire Award at the International Publishers Association award ceremony held on the sidelines of the Guadalajara International Book Fair in Mexico.

Hawzah News Agency- Samir Mansour received the prestigious Prix Voltaire at the International Publishers Association award ceremony held on the sidelines of the Guadalajara International Book Fair in Mexico.

The Palestinian publisher received a prize worth 10,000 Swiss francs for his steadfastness and commitment to freedom of expression in difficult circumstances.

The nominees for this award are publishers, individuals, groups or organizations that have published controversial works, usually in the face of pressure, threats, intimidation or harassment - whether from governments, authorities or for personal gain. On the other hand, they may be publishers with a history and prominence in upholding the values of freedom of expression.

For the purposes of the Prix Voltaire and the International Publishers Association, a publisher is defined as an individual, collective or organization that provides a means for others to share their ideas in written form, including through digital platforms. The prize commemorates the role of publishing and freedom of expression in creating peace and hope, even in the most difficult circumstances, and celebrates publishers who, with courage and dedication, keep the light of culture and knowledge alive.


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